Events 2016
2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008-2009
Electrical Engineering Guest Lecture Program, "Surface Acoustic Wave Spray System for Functional Thin Film Fabrication", by Marten Darmawan, Ph.D. (Sungkyunkwan Univ., South Korea), 10 Nov. 2016
Science-Tech Colloquium on "Pembangunan Berkelanjutan untuk Gedung Kampus dengan Implementasi Life Cycle Costing", by Dr. Peter F. Kaming (Univ. Atma Jaya Yogyakarta), an internal monthly colloquium of FaST UPH, open for faculty members, students, and public as well, 3 Nov. 2016.
Dept. of Electrical Eng. Workshop on Signal Processing with Arduino & Human Computer Interaction by Dr. Ian Grout (University of Limerick, Ireland), free and open for lecturers, students, and public, June 2016.
Dept. of Electrical Eng. Workshop on Electronic System Design with FPGAs and an Overview of Design Approaches using Altera Quartus II by Dr. Ian Grout (University of Limerick, Ireland), free and open for lecturers, students, and public (Registration required due to limited seat), January - February 2016.
Science-Tech Colloquium on "Remote Laboratories to Support Teaching & Learning", by Dr. Ian Grout (University of Limerick, Ireland), an internal monthly colloquium of FaST UPH, open for faculty members, students, and public as well, 29 Jan. 2016.