Publication of our people in year 2018
2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006
Ihan Martoyo, Paul Setiasabda, Herman Y Kanalebe, Henri P Uranus, Marincan Pardede, "Software Defined Radio for Education: Spectrum Analyzer, FM Receiver/Transmitter and GSM Sniffer with HackRF One," 10 Des 2018, IEEE 2018 2nd Borneo International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Engineering (BICAME) 

Ihan Martoyo, Marincan Pardede, Julinda Pangaribuan, Mario Gracio A Rhizma, Henri P Uranus, Herman Kanalebe, Rocky T Putra, Rianto Mangunsong, Heri Yulian, Rosmaya Nainggolan, “Lokakarya Fun Learning Bagi Siswa Dengan Flow, Grit & Growth Mindset,” Prosiding PKM-CSR, Vol. 1, 2018 (ISSN 2655-3570).

Endrowednes Kuantama, Radu Tarca, "Correction of Wind Effect on Quadcopter," 2018 International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET), 10-12 Nov. 2018, indexed in SCOPUS, IEEE Xplore, doi: 10.1109/SIET.2018.8693163

Ihan Martoyo, "Religiousness, well-being and religious/spiritual struggle among Indonesian students: Who struggle more, males or females?", 11 Agt. 2018, Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP) 2018

Yonathan Aditya, Riryn Sani, Ihan Martoyo, Rudi Pramono, "Can Religiousness be Associated with Religious and Spiritual Struggles?," Agt. 2019, 2nd International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP 2018)

Ihan Martoyo, Andi Coandi, Dave Pratignyo, Herman Y. Kanalebe, Henri P. Uranus, Marincan Pardede , "[]Software Defined Radio Applications for Mini GSM BTS and Spectrum Analyzer with BladeRF," Proc.  2018 International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and Telecommunications (ICRAMET), Serpong, Indonesia, Indonesia, 1-2 Nov 18, included in IEEEXplore database, Indexed in Scopus. (DOI: 10.1109/ICRAMET.2018.8683935).  

H. P. Uranus and B. M. A. Rahman, “Low-loss ARROW waveguide with rectangular hollow core and rectangular low-density polyethylene/air reflectors for terahertz waves,” J. Nonlinear Optical Phys. and Materials, Vol. 27, No. 3, Oct. 2018, pp. 1850029-1 – 1850029-19. (DOI: 10.1142/S0218863518500297). Indexed in WoS and SCOPUS, IF 1.491. 

Libianko Sianturi, Henri P. Uranus, Kerista Tarigan, “Analisis Perhitungan Group Delay pada Device Optik dengan Menggunakan Metoda Transfer Function,” Jurnal Nasional Teknik Informatika dan Elektro, Institut Teknologi Del, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 31-36, April 2018.

Hartati E. Sevie, Henri P. Uranus and Jessie Darma, “Fabrikasi dan Karakterisasi Solar Cell Oksida Tembaga yang Dibuat dengan Teknologi Sederhana,” Jurnal Elektro, Unika Atmajaya, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 53-62, 2017. ISSN 1979-9780.


Muliadi Ramli, Maria Margaretha Suliyanti, Marincan Pardede, Koo Hendrik Kurniawan, Tjung Jie Lie, May On Tjia, Kiichiro Kagawa, "Sensitive in-situ Cr analysis with high resolution and minimal destructive effect using micro-joule picosecond laser generated plasma emission in open ambient air", Microchemical Journal 139, 2018, pp. 327-332.

Javed Iqbal, Marincan Pardede, Eric Jobiliong, Rinda Hedwig, Muliadi Ramli, Ali Khumaeni, Wahyu Setia Budi, Nasrullah Idris, Syahrun Nur Abdulmadjid, Kurnia Lahna, Mangasi Alion Marpaung, Indra Karnadi, Zener Sukra Lie, Hery Suyanto, Davy Putra Kurniawan, Tjung Jie Lie, Koo Hendrik Kurniawan, Kiichiro Kagawa, May On Tjia, "Shock wave plasma generation in low pressure ambient gas from powder sample using subtarget supported micro mesh as a sample holder and its potential applications for sensitive analysis of powder samples", Microchemical Journal 142, 2018, pp. 108-116.