
Teknik Elektro Universitas Pelita Harapan

Electrical Engineering


jey.jpgJadi siapa bilang lulusan elektro cuma bisa nyolder? jualan juga bisa kok kekekekeke. Tren sales engineer lebih disukai karena otomatis perusahaan gak usah hire seorang sales khusus atau engineer khusus tapi semuanya disikat sama satu role ini. Salah seorang dosen saya pernah bilang bedanya SE sama sales biasa....SE bisa nerangin ini itu yang bisa jadi marketing pitch mereka (karena anak engineering ngerti tentang teknis suatu barang lebih bagus daripada sales yang biasanya cuma tau dibrief sama bosnya atau dibrief white paper dari suatu product) (Jey Nelson Wibowo,  Batch 2004), read more


ameliaredita_resize.jpgSaya tidak pernah menyesal telah masuk teknik Elektro UPH. Di sini saya ditempa untuk menjadi pribadi yang mandiri dan pantang menyerah dengan tugas-tugas dan project-project yg diberikan. (Amelia Redita, Teacher at Sekolah Dian Harapan), read more



wiwi.jpgIt's amazing what human can do through science and technology, and to be enrolled in electrical engineering gives me a head start to work and contribute in this amazing field. (Wiwi Samsul, Graduate studies, Duke University, USA), read more


hendrik.jpgAfter my graduation, I worked as a field engineer at Schneider Electric Indonesia. Thanks to the knowledge and the skills I had gained during my studies in UPH, I was able to performed well in my job. Afterwards, I was awarded a scholarship from the French government to continue my master studies in France. Having dreamed of it for a very long time, I was very excited to have this opportunity. I am certain that the excellent education provided by UPH and especially by the lecturers of the electrical engineering department paved the way to the award of this scholarship. (Hendrik, Batch 2005), read more


gatra16mei2009.jpgGedung yang mentereng, perpustakaan yang lengkap, ruang kuliah dan seminar yang wangi, smartclass, kolam renang, fitness center, lapangan sepak bola, basket, voli, akses internet WiFi, layanan e-learning serta telelecture, semuanya ada. Tapi tumpukan fasilitas itu tidak serta-merta menghasilkan pendidikan berkualitas. Yang lebih utama adalah desain kurikulum dan ketersediaan pengajar berkualitas. (Gatra, 6 Mei 2009), read more


ihan-martoyo.jpg...the real challenge is to give birth to engineers, who might someday transform this country and contribute to humanity. (Dr.-Ing. Ihan Martoyo, UPH), read more



sofian.jpgThanks to UPH for giving me a wide knowledge, fast learning process, wide link to people and the feel of "responsibility begins with me". (Sofian S.T., Nokia Siemens Network Indonesia), read more



"Jurusan Elektro" (Electrical Engineering Dept.) is a huge factor that provides me a strong foundation to the next level of my journey as doctoral candidate and my professional path. (Hery Susanto Djie, Ph.D., California, USA), read more